- ADVOCACY: UCF actively monitors policy trends and legislation to ensure that any such legislation or policies and in the best interests of the industry, then lobbies for the review of such policies.
- NETWORKING: Currently UCF has a membership of companies that have a big network. Among these are exporters, growers, processors, agents, traders, roasters, and banks. UCF provides means for all these participants to communicate effectively and to network efficiently through:
- Several Social events which provide great opportunities for discussions and information exchange for the members on the smooth running of the coffee trade as well as getting new business opportunities.
- Through networking UCF Members are able to have a dialogue with the authorities concerned be it government or private sector organisations to have their problems solved amicably.
- The Coffee Year Book: More information about the annual events, general but very relevant and important information on the coffee industry and forecasts on the coffee trade in general. The membership profile acts as an advertisement of UCF Members to the outside world because this magazine is distributed both within Uganda and outside Uganda through our embassies.
- International linkages through networks, which UCF has established especially through their members abroad.
- TRAINING: UCF is devoted to addressing issues, skills and standards that contribute to the capabilities of its members. Areas in need of capacity building are identified by a needs assessment exercise carried out amongst industry players from time to time and these needs are addressed through skills enhancement and training.
- INFORMATION SERVICES: From UCF, members can access data and information imperative to the successful performance of their businesses. Such information provided is intended to create awareness of the market situation and its impact on the trade.
- ARBITRATION SERVICES: In view of the need to promote speedy resolution of disputes that may arise from transactions in the coffee business in Uganda, UCF and UCDA can set up ad hoc arbitration service for the benefit of UCF members and their clients.
See also: Arbitration_Rules (pdf, 69.2KB, new window)
- PROMOTIONAL SERVICES: UCF organizes promotional activities to augment the position of Uganda’s coffee both nationally and internationally. Targeted audiences have been reached through fact finding missions, International fairs and exhibitions and promotional strategies are being developed for specific markets.
The UCTF code of conduct (see link below) specifies the expected professional behavior and ethics in the coffee trade. This code is there to safeguard the interests of the coffee trade and industry in Uganda as well as the reputation of Uganda Coffee in foreign markets.